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Expert Help With Life's Sticky Problems

Image by Ashley Batz


I have extensive experience working with conflict within a wide variety of relationships – within organisations and within families and communities. I feel especially passionate about working with the kind of relationships that people invest in the deepest – partnerships, family relationships, lifelong friendships.


I work with a mixture of separate consultations and 'round-table' meetings (where all parties are present). My goal is to support a safe and fruitful conversation to emerge – to allow you to say and hear the things that don't come so easily.


The format for each case is different because I tailor my approach to the specific needs of the relationship, and to the number of people involved – but it's typical to meet with each party separately for an hour or so, and then bring everyone together for a meeting of a few hours – or for two shorter meetings of a couple of hours each.


I very much advocate conflict management as an ongoing process, so as well as one off interventions to deal with acute conflict, I am also available to work within a relationship over a period of weeks or months to really get to the heart of the dynamic and find the seeds of new growth.


I have an integrative approach to coaching where I seek to include the entirety of your being – psycho-social, emotional, spiritual. This means attending to the things that get in the way of you living in the way that you want to with compassion and curiosity.

I'm currently studying Sex and Relationship Therapy at the Contemporary Institute of Clinical Sexology, and I hold a Foundation Certificate from the Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling. I weave a psychotherapeutic approach into the coaching work that I do.

I also have expertise in the field of Mental Resilience, having worked as a trainer for Tough Cookie and MIND over the last few years. I bring a thorough understanding of the neuroscience of stress, and a toolkit of hacks to help you manage your nervous system.

I'm interested in the role of the body in housing our traumas and our habits. I had a chronic pain condition for ten years which I resolved through somatic meditation. I have a strong background in somatic exploration through meditation, dance, and bodywork. I would love to support you in bringing somatic awareness into your relationship with the world – bringing your body's wisdom in on the quest to reach your goals.

I'm excited by the idea of unearthing your deepest goals and transforming them into your shiniest gold!

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I identify as queer and non-binary. My practice is queer friendly, trans-inclusive, and feminist. I'm in an ongoing process of learning about race through reading and study groups. I'm understanding and supportive of sexual diversity, including kink, non-monogamy, queerness, and sex-positivity. I am equally supportive of people's choice to adopt more traditional relationship structures.

In my mediation practice I think carefully about how societal power structures are recreated within relationships. I see acknowledging and balancing the power arising through systems of oppression as a key part of my work.

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